Darren Woods, the chief executive of ExxonMobil, has ignited a fury within me that burns hotter than the very emissions his company spews into our atmosphere.

How dare he have the audacity to shift blame onto the public for the catastrophic consequences of climate change? It's like a slap in the face to every person who has been tirelessly advocating for environmental action.

Exxon, the titan of oil corporations, has been a major player in driving our planet towards the brink of disaster with its relentless pursuit of profit at any cost. 

Yet, here we are, being told that it's the consumers who are at fault for not being willing to foot the bill for cleaner energy. The nerve of it all is simply staggering.

Woods's attempt to downplay Exxon's role in the climate crisis is nothing short of reprehensible. He conveniently sidesteps the decades of evidence showing that Exxon knew about the dangers of global warming and actively worked to sow doubt and delay meaningful action. 

And now, when faced with the undeniable truth of their complicity, they have the gall to shift blame onto the very people they have deceived for so long.

It's infuriating to see Exxon's hollow gestures towards renewable energy, while they continue to invest billions in expanding their fossil fuel operations. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. 

They talk about wanting to cater to investors and generate returns, but at what cost? Are they willing to sacrifice the future of our planet for short-term gains?

And let's not forget about their shameless attempts to silence shareholder activists who are advocating for stricter environmental standards. It's clear that Exxon's priority lies solely in maintaining their outdated business model, regardless of the consequences for our planet.

In the face of such blatant disregard for the wellbeing of our planet and its inhabitants, it's more important than ever that we hold companies like Exxon accountable for their actions.